Improving productivity, resilience, sustainability and awareness across the freight and logistics supply chain.
Our expert networks & taskforces are fundamental to our policy development.
Read our submissions as part of our ongoing advocacy of industry led policy proposals.
Read more about the economic and social impact of the freight and logistics sector.
- Improve our ability to plan for, respond to and operate through adverse events
- Ensure the assumptions and understanding of supply chain are factual, and current
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Read more about our policies to improve productivity, resilience, sustainability and awareness across the freight and logistics supply chain.
Delivered a pre-budget submission relating to the 2023-24 Federal Budget.
The ALC made a submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts as a contribution to the Review of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.
The ALC made a submission to the National Hydrogen Strategy Review.
The ALC made a submission to the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry.