The Australian Logistics Council's (ALC) submission to South Australia’s 30-Year Transport Strategy highlights the critical role of supply chain systems in supporting economic growth, sustainability, and efficiency. The submission underscores the importance of integrating freight and logistics considerations into the strategy, with recommendations focusing on addressing policy imbalances favoring road transport, enhancing rail infrastructure, adopting decarbonisation measures, and improving data sharing and collaboration. The ALC emphasises the...
The Australian Logistics Council supports the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Amendment Bill and Regulations as a critical step in enhancing safety, efficiency, and sustainability in Australia’s logistics sector. Key measures, including the National Audit Standard, increased vehicle mass and size allowances, and streamlined accreditation, aim to boost productivity while reducing compliance burdens. The ALC urges harmonised regulations, infrastructure upgrades, workforce strategies, and incentives for fleet sustainability to ensure effective...
The Australian Logistics Council endorses the establishment of the Paraffinic Diesel Standard. To ensure robust environmental and performance outcomes, the ALC advocates alignment with the European EN 15940 standard, particularly regarding Sulphur limits, and calls for quality controls on diesel blends, transparent labeling, and certification standards. By drawing on lessons from previous fuel mandates, the ALC recommends a regulatory framework that maintains fuel integrity, supports emissions reductions, and incentivizes the adoption of...
The Australian Logistics Council has formally endorsed the NHVR’s Draft Heavy Vehicle Productivity Plan 2024-2029, acknowledging its strategic alignment with Australia’s overarching objectives to advance productivity, safety, and sustainability within the freight sector. ALC is dedicated to collaborating closely with the NHVR and key stakeholders to transform this plan into tangible outcomes, fostering a safer, more sustainable, and exceptionally productive future for the Australian freight...
The Australian Logistics Council supports the NSW Government’s Freight Policy Reform Interim Directions Paper, recognising its value in addressing key issues in the state’s freight network. ALC advocates for a systems approach to supply chain management, a comprehensive Freight Master Plan, protection of industrial lands, and improved data sharing and infrastructure. ALC looks forward to collaborating with the NSW Government to ensure these reforms strengthen NSW’s freight system for future...
Everything You Need to Know from the ALC - September...
The ALC's submission to the NSW Renewable Fuel Discussion Paper highlights key recommendations for advancing a renewable fuel industry in NSW. The submission emphasises the need for policy alignment between state and federal governments, infrastructure investment, and support for domestic renewable fuel production. The ALC advocates for incentives like tax credits and grants to encourage local production, as well as establishing renewable fuel hubs. The submission also stresses the importance of sustainability in feedstock management, lifecycle...