Positive Developments on AdBlue Supplies Welcomed

Media Releases

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) has welcomed the announcement from the Australian Government that it has helped secure additional supply of high-grade urea, the key ingredient in diesel exhaust fluid, AdBlue.

ALC CEO Brad Williams said the collaborative effort between industry and the Australian Government to secure additional supplies of raw materials would ease pressure on current stocks of AdBlue. 

“Additional supply from Indonesia due in January and efforts to scale up local manufacturing capabilities are welcome developments,” Mr Williams said.

“ALC acknowledges the work the Australian Government is doing with industry to resolve the longer-term supply challenges, through the AdBlue Taskforce,” he said.

The Taskforce is working across government and with industry, to develop solutions to any potential future supply constraints including bolstering local manufacturing capabilities. This includes an agreement with Incitec Pivot to scale up local manufacturing of Technical Grade Granular Urea, a critical component of AdBlue.

“Current stocks of AdBlue are being managed by suppliers who have worked to ensure reasonable access for all and with new supply options on the table users should feel more comfortable that, although supply is tight, the situation is manageable,” Mr Williams said.