More About ALC

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) was established in 2002 to work with all levels of government to transform the freight and logistics industry.

ALC is the national peak body representing participants operating across the freight and logistics supply chain. Our focus is on delivering enhanced end-to-end supply chain safety, productivity, efficiency and sustainability. We work with governments, policy makers and regulators at all levels to ensure they consider the needs of the sector in their investment and policy decisions.

Our membership stretches the length and breadth of the supply chain providing us with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the sector. Those members include infrastructure owners and operators such as port and freight terminals, transport businesses and service providers right through to those who rely on the safe and efficient movement of goods such as retailers and manufacturers. Collectively we are committed to improving the industry, strengthening the economy and meeting community, and customer, expectations.

While the world has changed since ALC was established two decades ago, our purpose has not and we remain focused on helping shape tomorrow’s supply chains, today. We do this by working alongside governments, policy makers and regulators to provide strategic advice and insights that improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the sector.

The interests of ALC members reflect the interests of all Australians. As consumers, customers, businesses, and employees it is in our best interest to build more efficient, safe and sustainable supply chains to reduce unnecessary costs, strengthen our economy and improve the liveability of our communities.

It is critically important, now more than ever, that governments collaborate to ensure infrastructure investment, planning and policy decisions contribute to achieving a more efficient national supply chain to maximise the opportunities of the growing freight task for the broader economy.

ALC advocates for a practical, nationally consistent approach to regulation that avoids wasteful duplication, regulatory burden and the associated cost implications for freight and logistics operators.

Employing over 1.2 million people and directly generating more than $140 billion in economic activity every year, the freight and logistics sector has an important and influential point of view. We know if we get the supply chain right, we get the Australian economy right. 

ALC Vision

The independent, trusted voice, of modern supply chain for Australia


To be developed to form an industry scorecard, incorporating measures such as the economic significance of the industry.







Proactive Thought Leadership

Voice of Industry to Guide Stakeholders

Facilitate Sustained Improvement


Redefine the image of the industry to attract and retain diverse, skilled and knowledgeable humans

Interconnected Infrastructure

Demonstrate the interconnected nature of logistics networks to inform decision making

National Strategies & Policy

Representing logistics and supply chain industry need, including land use

Decarbonisation & Energy Transition

Accelerate adoption of new technology. Drive consistent decarbonisation metrics and reporting

Safety & Wellness

Foster the community of practitioners to promote adoption and compliance with best practices in safety & wellness


End to End Supply Chain Cooperation

Maintain collaboration and focus on industry issues that no single entity can solve alone.